黎明杀机 军团更新 佛莱迪重做 专用服务器上线时间
黎明杀机 军团更新 佛莱迪重做 专用服务器上线时间
UPDATESDEDICATED SERVERSBack in December 2018, we announced that we will be bringing Dedicated Servers to Dead By Daylight by Summer 2019. We are currently testing the Dedicated Servers internally!Migrating to Dedicated Servers is a process that will roll out over time, first on the PTB, and then, to a segmented percentage of the population on the live environment. This gradual roll out will allow our team to gather data and feedback to ensure the smoothest transition. The first public tests should happen in the next few weeks.The upcoming mid-chapter patch will include an update to The Legion. This is something the community has been requesting since its release back in December 2018. Stay tuned as we will reveal these changes in a blogpost next week.The upcoming mid-chapter will feature a major update to the end game. The objective of these changes is to make the end game more dynamic and exciting. We will reveal the new End Game Collapse in a video next week.When we rework a killer, we aim to improve mechanics and powers by changing and adjusting existing concepts. For Freddy, we wanted to change the gameplay while staying true to the license: we realized quickly this is not something we could possibly do easily with our normal rework methods. The Freddy update then became a full gameplay overhaul. The rework is something more complex than we ever did for any killer before. We wanted Freddy changed, but we wanted to do it right and it would take more time than we anticipated.Based on this knowledge, we decided to focus on global game mechanics or problems that affect a larger part of the Community (such as End Game Collapse
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